Spirit of Montjuïc, the greatest revival event of the world of motor sports

By |2015-03-24T11:57:52+00:00April 22nd, 2012|Categories: Events|

The first event took place some twelve months ago with the aim of becoming a unique revival of the world of motor sports, offering all types of races and, above all, creating an extraordinary vintage atmosphere and being able to remember the sounds, smells and feelings of the paddocks during the golden ages of car and [...]

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2012 The one Motorcycle Show

By |2015-03-24T11:57:52+00:00April 13th, 2012|Categories: Events, Videos|

The One Motorcycle Show is perhaps the only custom show in the world that embraces the imperfect. It's about the essence--motorcycles that are custom but not precious. Stripped down and built back up, but probably not the way the factory intended. Enjoy!

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BMW R100 Tracker by Fuel Bespoke Motorcycles

By |2015-03-24T11:57:55+00:00April 5th, 2012|Categories: CLASSICS, Constructors, STREET TRACKER|

Karles Vives from Barcelona, owner of  Fuel Bespoke Motorcycles, and the man who are beside Scram Africa Race, has sent me, his new BMW project "R100 Tracker"  "After several months of hard work, I can finally present the new BMW R100 Tracker.Taking the 81 BMW R100 RS as donor bike, I have modified it taking a [...]

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Scram Africa, only for nostalgic riders! by Fuel Bespoke

By |2015-03-24T11:57:56+00:00March 30th, 2012|Categories: Events, Videos|

Hola! falta solo un mes para que empiece la aventura de la Scram Africa, un viaje de 2000km por carretera, pistas y arena al sur de Marruecos para motos clasicas y neoclasicas. He hecho un clip con las imagenes de mi viaje para chequear la ruta y si pudieras publicarlo en tu blog seria fantastico ya [...]

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Feel FREE!

By |2015-03-24T11:57:56+00:00March 20th, 2012|Categories: Videos|

"My first short film I made for film school. Motorcycles are a big part of life. I wanted to make a film to show how intimate we get with the road. Most people ride to get away from the daily grind and be alone. Even if you are riding with a friend, your own mind is [...]

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Classified Moto 1982

By |2015-03-24T11:58:00+00:00February 21st, 2012|Categories: Constructors, Videos|

Turns out Classified Moto has been around longer that we thought. Travel back in time for a look at the future of custom motorcycles. Classified Moto XV920R. Adam Ewing worked on with John Ryland. the bike that appears in the commercial, is Bob Ranew bike. I love it! Enjoy!

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Honda CB 750 KZ – CRD#11 “Black Cream”

By |2015-03-24T11:58:03+00:00February 20th, 2012|Categories: Cafe Racers, CLASSICS, Constructors|

Here we have the new CRD creation, I have no doubt that it's my favorite one, don't you think? If you like this lighthouse, or any custom part of the motorbike, now you can buy them in their new online store, feel free to spend, they have plenty of good stuff! Enjoy!

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1981 Honda CB 650 Built by UGLY Motor Bikes

By |2015-03-24T11:58:05+00:00February 16th, 2012|Categories: Cafe Racers|

This CB650 has been featured in many well-known blogs worldwide, and has received a lot of attention since its release. Built by UGLY Motor Bikes, a San Diego based custom motorcycle shop, every part has been replaced or rebuilt. It is a blast to ride and has great power and handling. A truly one of a kind motorcycle. Now is for sale [...]

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A website for Motorcycle Enthusiast, The original clothing line- Official GasCap Inc.

The premiere providers of personalized motorsports apparel. Established in 1972 by passionate road Alex Ramon, GasCap Motors has been producing top quality customized clothing for motorcycle enthusiasts for over three decades.



We are now able to offer a wider selection of merchandise and garments, all with the artistry, reliability and impeccable customer service you’ve come to expect. You will also find online ordering a breeze with our fast, user-friendly website. If there’s something you want that you don’t see, let us know.  We’re here to help you own the road, even when you can’t be on the road.